Building Something Great

As it is with any ASI service, the hard work of students like Muriel Valencia has allowed Beach Balance to thrive as a leading wellness resource at Long Beach State. From sophomore year to graduation, Muriel was a critical component of Beach Balance’s operations, and with her help, the service has expanded and improved by any metric. Alongside Beach Balance, Muriel experienced some growth of her own.

“Beach Balance was just such an amazing place to grow, both professionally and personally,” she recalled. “It was a chill work environment, we really believed in what we were doing, and we always got the job done.”

Beginning as a health science major, Muriel's change to kinesiology inspired her decision to work at the Student Recreation & Wellness Center, and particularly Beach Balance.

“Beach Balance seemed perfect because it blends all forms of wellness,” she said. “Developing events and programs like DIY Wellness and Meal Prep 101 helped provide concrete experience in so many fields I’m interested in.”

During her tenure, Muriel played an important role in expanding Beach Balance both in programming and geographically, with a branch being opened in the University Student Union last year. Her energetic spirit and genuine desire to help her fellow students drove the program to new heights.

“No matter what form school takes, I really hope students continue to benefit from Beach Balance,” she said. “Students always wish they’d known about these amazing resources sooner once they discover them.”

Muriel continues to apply the lessons she learned as a Beach Balance lead in the field of adolescent growth. As a recent alum, she has high hopes for the future of Beach Balance and the wellness of the Beach community.

“I’m so proud of all we accomplished as a team,” she said. “I really hope LBSU continues to develop a wellness community, especially at a time like this when wellness requires creativity!”

Honorable Student Staff Spotlight Mentions:

  • Pasillas
  • Mok
  • Jabola
  • Jimenez

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