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Having worked for SRWC Intramurals for five years, nutritional science graduate student Allyson Yoshinaga has found a supportive network and new skills to move forward with.

As intramurals lead, Allyson assists in planning programs, leagues and events. She also runs all intramural tournaments, organizing and promoting them while developing brackets, prizes and overseeing operations. Taking charge on these projects allows her to strengthen her innovative and planning skills.

“Running the tournaments can be challenging, but I get to be creative in finding solutions,” she said. “I have to be organized to stay on top of all the details like equipment, people and brackets.”

Taking ownership over these projects has allowed Allyson to develop organizational, communication and leadership skills. Moving towards her goal of becoming a registered dietician, she feels she has found a supportive network in her coworkers.

“Working in the intramurals department allows me to interact with a diverse group of personalities, majors and perspectives!” she exclaimed. “The SRWC always promotes wellness, so working in this environment is also helpful to me as a nutritional science major.”

The supportive network she gets from her coworkers and supervisor extends beyond the workplace and into Allyson’s school and personal life. On a campus full of commuters, she’s found that her job is a unique place for her to meet and build relationships with students!

“I’m thankful for all the support, and I care about everybody I work with!” she exclaimed.

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