Get Active with SRWC GO!

That’s a wrap! The fall 2019 intramural season at CSULB officially ended during the final weeks of last semester, and what a passionate season it was. Out of the six total leagues, five finished out their seasons in November with championship games that brought in considerable crowds that were eager to watch the thrilling competitions. Anthony Almeida, recreational sports coordinator at the SRWC, described the season as “exciting, inviting and operated at the highest standard.”

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That high standard, he explained, was achieved via the efforts of the league supervisors, a group of student-staff that work hard to ensure a quality experience for the students they serve. League supervisors provide a welcoming atmosphere at every intramural game, whether by playing music or by personally reaching out to students to understand what they want to see at the games. With Anthony’s team of dedicated student-leaders, this season was run smoothly, even bringing in a steep increase in participation.

With over 700 participants, it’s safe to say that the fall 2019 season was a huge success. The most popular league was co-ed volleyball, coming in at a whopping 140 participants, with Baddies + Daddies taking the title of champions. With about 120 participants each, co-ed soccer and open basketball each brought in considerable numbers as well, with Smooth Obturators and LPNH taking the respective crowns from each league. Throughout the season, these leagues, as well as indoor soccer, open soccer and co-ed basketball, brought in crowds of fans and passersby that stopped by to check out the games.

“It’s great to see people come and fill up the stands to support their fellow students,” Anthony said. “Even just seeing people stop by during their workouts at the SRWC to watch a game really shows the effect intramurals have on our campus culture.”

Whether you live for the sound of roaring fans cheering you on as you showcase your talents on the court, or you’re just looking for an exciting way to stay active and athletic, there is a place for you in the spring 2020 intramural leagues.

Moving into this new season, Anthony and his team hope the introduction of two popular sports, flag football and softball, will encourage even more students to enjoy the benefits of intramurals.

“At the end of the day, we just want to put out the best experience for the students we serve,” Anthony explained. “Intramurals are a great way for students to de-stress from their studies, make friends and get some exercise in all at the same time. While we maintain a competitive atmosphere, we make sure intramurals are a fun, welcoming experience for everyone involved.”

Sign-ups and more information on intramural sports can be found here. With spring 2020 sign-ups now open, now is your chance to become a part of the competitive-but-welcoming culture that defines our Intramural Sports program.

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