Enjoy climbing? Want to try it out? Bring a partner or find one here, the Dark climb is a team activity event that challenges climbing and communication skills. One blindfolded climber will be coached up the wall by their partner using verbal cues along a set route. Race against the clock and compare times, the fastest teams will win some cool prizes!
Hammock Town - Need a place to relax, study, sleep, or play some yard games? ROA will have Hammock Town open for you! Every Tuesday/Thursday in April, on the SRWC's East Lawn, from 3 pm until sunset. No sign-ups necessary!
Become the ultimate belayer in our Belay a Mile Challenge! The Rock Wall at the Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) has many different climbing routes for you and your friends to attempt. Belay with a partner for 211 climbs (5280 ft.) by May 12 and earn your very own chalk bag! To sign up for the challenge, visit the SRWC Rock Wall any time during open hours.
Participants must be belay-certified through the SRWC Rock Wall to compete. For information about our Belay Basics climbing classes, visit SRWC GO.
5280 FEET. 211 CLIMBS. 1 MILE.
Do you have what it takes to complete the Mile High Challenge? Explore new heights and challenge yourself to new climbs at the Student Recreation & Wellness Center's (SRWC) indoor Rock Wall. Complete 211 climbs during the course of the semester to win this year's custom Mile High Challenge t-shirt. Supplies are limited, so start early!
SRWC Rock Wall staff will provide all the gear and guidance you need at no cost! Make sure to wear athletic clothing you can move around in. Visit the SRWC Rock Wall any time during open hours to begin the challenge. Challenge begins Jan. 19 and ends May 12.
Are you an avid climber? Have you completed the Mile High Challenge more than once? Ask any staff member at the Rock Wall about our secret unexplored Mt. Everest Challenge!
Climbing 101
Feb. 18, Mar. 3, Mar. 18, Apr. 7, May 6
2 - 3 PM
Climbing 201
Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 8, Feb. 25, Mar. 11, Mar. 25, Apr. 8, Apr. 22
1 - 3 PM
Climbing 301
Feb. 11, Mar. 4, Mar. 22, Apr. 15, Apr. 29
1 - 3 PM
Join Rock and Outdoor Adventure to learn technical rock climbing skills during free weekly climbing classes! Dress ready to rock climb and move around. All necessary climbing gear will be provided by the SRWC's Rock and Outdoor Adventure (ROA) department.
Climbing 101 provides you with foundational skills and knowledge for climbing. Learn about footwork, energy conservation, climber spotting and more!
Climbing 201 shows you technical skills for top-rope climbing. Become familiar with the skills on the belay certification test; knot-tying, equipment inspection, safety checks and belaying.
Climbing 301 is an advanced class where you can apply your top-rope belaying skills in fun new ways! Get acquainted with quickdraw clipping, lead climbing and lead belaying. Join for a special crash course on catching and taking lead falls.
For information and pricing on our Advanced/Custom classes, please email us at rockandoutdooradventure@csulb.edu.
Visit the SRWC GO app to view the full list of SRWC climbing classes. No RSVP necessary, but arrive early––spots are limited!
There are many benefits to participating in fitness activities for people of all ages and abilities. These include stress reduction, increased energy, injury and disease prevention, better grades, weight loss, and making new friends. Best of all, it's easy to enjoy the benefits of physical fitness because it's FUN! Check out all of the opportunities for fitness at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!